Feminist therapy means empowerment for you and ALL.
What to expect from me as a therapist
Eating Disorder Treatment
If you are seeking treatment for an eating disorder the first step is determining what level of care you need. I am happy to help you find the right care and build a foundation as your outpatient provider. Seeking treatment can be scary and a long road. But you are not alone.
Addressing Trauma
Over 50% of Americans experience significant effects of trauma such as mood disturbance, sleep trouble, relationship disruption, or unwanted intrusive thoughts. I use a dynamic approach using somatic work (addressing trauma in the body), addressing thought patterns, and processing emotional landscapes.
“Internal Family Systems therapy”- identifying parts of self, core self, and learning to integrate all these parts again that were shattered by trauma.
“Cognitive Processing therapy”- identifying and processing core beliefs that drive behavior, and that were often learned form traumatic events.
“But which problem should I address in therapy?”
Most people have more than one topic they would like to work on. This is okay! You might relate to these other topics in which I also have experience: grief, depression, LGBTQI+ issues, addiction, PTSD, anxiety, and personal identity.
“ACT”- acceptance and commitment therapy. Treatment based on learning to detach our identify from our thoughts and feelings in order to make room for growth and healing.

“Phrases like ‘Get over it!’ and ‘It’s all in your head’ are rooted in ableism. They are body terrorism against non-normative brains. Lets’ stop telling people to ‘get over it’ and start asking, ‘How can I help you heal?’”
-Sonya Renee Taylor